Engaging Queensland's young people

As society changes, so do the issues faced by Queensland's young people (aged 12 to 25). To help, we need to empower them to take an active role in shaping their own futures.

The Young Queenslanders Strategy was created with ideas and input from young people across the state. It’s designed by young people, for young people, and helps the government focus on what’s most important to them. The strategy ensures we listen to their needs, respond in meaningful ways, and support them both now and in the future.

The strategy’s success lies in our ongoing promise to work with young people. The Youth Engagement Charter reinforces this commitment by recognising the important role young people play in shaping our economic, social, and cultural success. It provides opportunities for them to share ideas and influence government policies, programs and services. The charter will help young people shape Queensland’s future, while fostering creativity and a sense of ownership in these initiatives.

Learn about the opportunities available for young Queenslanders and how you can have your say.