Rental Sector Code of Conduct

The Residential Tenancies and Rooming Accommodation and Other Legislation Amendment Act 2024 received Assent on 6 June 2024. Changes to the law will come into effect in stages. Current rental laws apply until the changes come into effect.

Read more about changes to Queensland’s rental laws.

Currently, there are limited options for renters to challenge undesirable and unprofessional practices by rental property owners and property managers, other than ending their tenancy.

The feedback we’ve received about rental experiences in Queensland has highlighted concerns about poor conduct in the residential rental sector.

Renters are concerned about:

  • unnecessary churn of tenancy agreements
  • a perceived power imbalance in rental relationships
  • poor communication.

Rental property owners are concerned about:

  • poor communication
  • property managers’ respect for renters
  • property managers’ ability to manage poor renter behaviour and protect their asset.

As an intermediary, a property manager’s role can be challenging. Some report that they experience poor behaviour from both renters and rental property owners.

The Amendment Act allows work to begin on developing a new Rental Sector Code of Conduct. The code is being developed in consultation with the rental sector and will be established by Regulation.

The code may set minimum conduct standards for property managers, rental property owners and renters to strengthen the rules and make the expectations of all parties clearer.

Penalty provisions will apply for non-compliance with the code. The Residential Tenancies Authority will be responsible for enforcing compliance with the code.

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