Fire protection licensing changes
Building Reg Reno changes
An extension to 1 May 2030 has been provided to meet:
- the occupational licensing requirements for passive fire protection work
- the upskilling requirements for all remaining fire protection licences that require upskilling.
These changes will provide industry more time to comply with the revised fire licensing framework.
From 1 May 2021
Amendments to the Queensland Building and Construction Commission Regulation 2018 (QBCC Regulation) commenced on 1 May 2021. The changes modernise Queensland’s fire protection licensing regime, ensure licensees have the necessary skills to carry out this critical work and reduce administration for licensees.
The changes include:
- reducing the number of fire protection licence types and classes
- updating qualifications to obtain a fire protection licence
- simplifying the scopes of work for each fire protection licence type.
Because of the changes, Queensland building occupants will be safer and fire protection licensees will have a clearer regulatory framework.
Amendments to support industry transition
To ensure the industry is supported through these changes, the former Department of Energy and Public Works worked closely with industry and continues to monitor the implementation of the fire protection licensing framework.
Several minor, transitional amendments were made to the QBCC Regulation to support industry through the initial implementation of the framework.
Find out more about transitional arrangements on the QBCC website.
Under the revised fire protection licensing framework, there are five licensing streams:
- portables
- passive
- special hazards fire systems
- water-based fire systems
- electrical.
These five streams group licences together that have similar functions and types of work.
Individual licence classes are available to design, certify, install and maintain, and inspect and test certain fire protection equipment.
There are additional licence classes to design water-based fire systems and fire alarm systems, and to install and maintain all passive fire protection equipment.
There are also some changes to the scopes of work for the Hydraulic Services Design licence (existing licensees will not be impacted) and the Fire Safety Professional licence.
The revised framework reduced the number of licences from 25 to 12 and reduced the classes of licences from 57 to 40.
The technical qualifications for fire protection licensing have also been updated to ensure that the competencies for each fire protection licence remain fit for purpose.
Developing the new framework
Under the Queensland Building Plan 2017, the Queensland Government agreed to work out how to simplify the existing fire protection licensing framework. The national Building Confidence Report also highlighted the need for a strong regulatory framework for fire safety, including mandatory registration of fire safety practitioners and greater oversight of the installation and certification of fire safety systems.
The changes made to Queensland’s fire protection licences are industry-led and based on extensive consultation across industry and government. We worked with the QBCC’s Fire Protection Working Group, which consisted of representatives from the fire protection, building, plumbing, electrical and insurance sectors.
In 2019, the Ministerial Construction Council (MCC) formed a Subcommittee for Fire Protection Licensing and Compliance to continue this work and provide final recommendations to the MCC.
The subcommittee delivered a simplified and updated fire protection licensing framework, which was approved by the MCC in late 2019.
The revised framework was introduced through changes to the QBCC Regulation, which were based on further consultation across industry and government, including with the MCC subcommittee.
What you’ll need to do
These changes may have applied to you as of 1 May 2021 if:
- you held a fire protection licence
- you were studying a fire protection course to obtain a licence
or - in some cases, you were performing newly regulated elements of fire protection work under another licence, for example a builder licence.
Since 1 May 2021, licensees are subject to the scope of work specified under the new licence class, which could mean the work they are permitted to carry out has changed. Therefore, it is important to check your new licence under the revised fire protection licensing framework to ensure that you are aware any changes to the scope of work.
Transitional arrangements
There were three major transitional arrangements for former fire protection licence holders (i.e. those who held a fire protection licence class prior to 1 May 2021):
- Most licence holders were automatically moved onto the new licence classes with no additional training or further action required. These licences are listed in Table 1.
- Some licensees need or needed to get additional qualifications to ensure that their skills are up to date and in line with contemporary fire protection practices. They have specific deadlines for upskilling requirements. These licences are listed in Table 2.
- The remaining licences were made “continuing licence classes”, meaning that licensees may continue to hold and renew their licence under the former framework as long as they satisfy all renewal requirements. However, these licences are no longer issued to new applicants. These licences are listed in Table 3.
Find out more about the transitional arrangements for every specific fire protection licence.
Table 1 – Licences that automatically transitioned to the new framework on 1 May 2021 – no upskilling required
Former contractor licence | New relevant contractor licence (after 1 May 2021) |
Schedule 2, Part 22 - passive fire protection - fire doors and shutters - inspect and test licence | Schedule 2, Part 22A - fire protection - passive stream - inspect and test licence If the licensee also held a licence in the class of ‘fire equipment - passive (fire doors and fire shutters) restricted to carrying out certain work’ on 31 December 2008, they will be taken to hold the fire protection - passive stream - install and maintain - fire doors and fire shutters licence mentioned in schedule 2, part 22A, section 1(2) with no upskilling required. |
Schedule 2, Part 25 - special hazard suppression systems - install and maintain licence | Schedule 2, Part 25 - special hazard fire system stream - install and maintain licence |
Schedule 2, Part 26 - sprinkler and suppression systems (reticulated water-based) - certify licence | Schedule 2, Part 26 - fire protection - water-based fire system stream - certify licence |
Schedule 2, Part 26 - sprinkler and suppression systems (reticulated water-based) - certify- restricted to commercial or industrial type licence | Schedule 2, Part 26 - fire protection - water-based fire system stream - certify licence |
Schedule 2, Part 26 - sprinkler and suppression systems (reticulated water-based) - certify- restricted to domestic or residential types licence | Schedule 2, Part 26 - fire protection - water-based fire system stream - certify licence |
Schedule 2, Part 26 -sprinkler and suppression systems (reticulated water-based) - install and maintain licence | Schedule 2, Part 26 - fire protection - water-based fire system stream - install and maintain licence |
Schedule 2, Part 26 - sprinkler and suppression systems (reticulated water-based) - install and maintain - restricted to commercial or industrial type licence | Schedule 2, Part 26 - fire protection - water-based fire system stream - install and maintain - restricted to commercial and industrial types licence |
Schedule 2, Part 26 - sprinkler and suppression systems (reticulated water-based) - install and maintain - restricted to domestic or residential type licence | Schedule 2, Part 26 - fire protection - water-based fire system stream - install and maintain - restricted to domestic and residential types licence |
Schedule 2, Part 26 - sprinkler and suppression systems (reticulated water-based) - inspect and test licence | Schedule 2, Part 26 - fire protection - water-based fire system stream - install and maintain licence |
Schedule 2, Part 27 - fire pump - certify licence | Schedule 2, Part 26 - fire protection - water-based fire system stream - certify licence |
Schedule 2, Part 27 - fire pump - install and maintain licence | Schedule 2, Part 26 - fire protection - water-based fire system stream - install and maintain - restricted to commercial and industrial types licence |
Schedule 2, Part 28 - fire hydrants and hose reels - certify licence | Schedule 2, Part 26 - fire protection - water-based fire system stream - certify licence |
Schedule 2, Part 28 - fire hydrants and hose reels - install and maintain licence | Schedule 2, Part 26 - fire protection - water-based fire system stream - install and maintain - restricted to commercial and industrial types licence |
Schedule 2, Part 28 - fire hydrants and hose reels - inspect and test licence | Schedule 2, Part 29 - fire protection - portable stream - install and maintain licence |
Schedule 2, Part 29 - portable fire equipment and hose reels (hose reels down stream of stop cock only) - certify licence | Schedule 2, Part 29 - fire protection - portable stream - certify licence |
Schedule 2, Part 29 - portable fire equipment and hose reels (hose reels down stream of stop cock only) - install and maintain licence | Schedule 2, Part 29 - fire protection - portable stream - install and maintain licence |
Schedule 2, Part 30 - fire detection, alarm and warning systems - certify licence | Schedule 2, Part 31 - fire protection - electrical stream - certify - fire alarm systems licence |
Schedule 2, Part 31 - emergency lighting - inspect and test licence | Schedule 2, Part 31 - fire protection - electrical stream - inspect and test - emergency lighting licence |
Former occupational licence | New relevant occupational licence (after 1 May 2021) |
Schedule 3, Part 1 - passive fire protection—fire doors and shutters - inspect and test occupational licence | Schedule 3, Part 1A - fire protection—passive stream—inspect and test occupational licence |
Schedule 3, Part 4 - special hazard suppression systems - install and maintain occupational licence | Schedule 3, Part 4 - special hazard fire system stream—install and maintain occupational licence |
Schedule 3, Part 5 - sprinkler and suppression systems (reticulated water-based) - certify occupational licence | Schedule 3,Part 5 - fire protection - water-based fire system stream - certify occupational licence |
Schedule 3, Part 5 - sprinkler and suppression systems (reticulated water-based) - certify- restricted to commercial or industrial type occupational licence | Schedule 3,Part 5 - fire protection - water-based fire system stream - certify occupational licence |
Schedule 3, Part 5 - sprinkler and suppression systems (reticulated water-based) - certify- restricted to domestic or residential types occupational licence | Schedule 3,Part 5 - fire protection - water-based fire system stream - certify occupational licence |
Schedule 3, Part 5 - sprinkler and suppression systems (reticulated water-based) - inspect and test occupational licence | Schedule 3, Part 5 - fire protection - water-based fire system stream - install and maintain occupational licence |
Schedule 3, Part 6 - fire pump - certify occupational licence | Schedule 3, Part 5 - fire protection - water-based fire system stream - certify occupational licence |
Schedule 3, Part 7 - fire hydrants and hose reels - certify occupational licence | Schedule 3, Part 5 - fire protection - water-based fire system stream - certify occupational licence |
Schedule 3, Part 7 - fire hydrants and hose reels - inspect and test occupational licence | Schedule 3, Part 8 - fire protection - portable stream - install and maintain occupational licence |
Schedule 3, Part 8 - portable fire equipment and hose reels (hose reels down stream of stop cock only) - certify occupational licence | Schedule 3, Part 8 - fire protection - portable stream - certify occupational licence |
Schedule 3, Part 8 - portable fire equipment and hose reels (hose reels down stream of stop cock only) - install and maintain occupational licence | Schedule 3, Part 8 - fire protection - portable stream - install and maintain occupational licence |
Schedule 3, Part 9 - fire detection, alarm and warning systems - certify occupational licence | Schedule 3, Part 10 - fire protection - electrical stream - certify - fire alarm systems occupational licence |
Schedule 3, Part 10 - emergency lighting - inspect and test occupational licence | Schedule 3, Part 10 - fire protection - electrical stream - inspect and test - emergency lighting occupational licence |
Table 2 – Licences that were automatically transitioned to the new framework on 1 May 2021 - upskilling required
Former contractor licence | New relevant contractor licence (after 1 May 2021) | Upskilling requirement |
Schedule 2, Part 25 - special hazard suppression systems - certify restricted to gaseous, water mist and reticulated foam proportioning systems licence | Schedule 2, Part 25 - fire protection - special hazard fire system stream - certify licence | Successful completion of the following competency units by 1 May 2023:
Schedule 2, Part 25 - special hazard suppression systems - certify - restricted to chemical and foam special hazard systems licence | Schedule 2, Part 25 - fire protection - special hazard fire system stream - certify licence | Successful completion of the following competency units by 1 May 2023:
Schedule 2, Part 25 - special hazard suppression systems - maintain - restricted to gaseous, water mist and reticulated foam proportioning systems licence | Schedule 2, Part 25 - fire protection -special hazard fire system stream -install and maintain licence | Successful completion of Certificate III in fire protection (CPC32813) by 1 May 2030 (This date has been extended from 1 May 2025 under the Building Reg Reno reforms). Note |
Schedule 2, Part 30 - fire detection, alarm and warning systems - install and maintain - extra low voltage licence | Schedule 2, Part 31 - fire protection -electrical stream - install and maintain - fire alarm systems licence | Either:
Notes 1: Electrical mechanic licensees will not be required to upskill if they can demonstrate at least 6 months of experience in the scope of work for the new relevant licence by 1 November 2021. |
Schedule 2, Part 31 - emergency lighting - certify licence | Schedule 2, Part 31 - fire protection - electrical stream - certify - emergency lighting licence | Successful completion of Certificate IV in fire systems compliance—fire detection including the following competency units by 1 May 2030 (This date has been extended from 1 May 2027 under the Building Reg Reno reforms):
Notes |
Former occupational licence | New relevant occupational licence (after 1 May 2021) | Upskilling requirement |
Schedule 3, Part 4 - special hazard suppression systems - certify - restricted to gaseous, water mist and reticulated foam proportioning systems occupational licence | Schedule 3, Part 4 - fire protection - special hazard fire system stream - certify occupational licence | Successful completion of the following competency units by 1 May 2023:
Schedule 3, Part 4 - special hazard suppression systems - certify - restricted to chemical and foam special hazard systems occupational licence | Schedule 3, Part 4 - fire protection - special hazard fire system stream - certify occupational licence | Successful completion of the following competency units by 1 May 2023:
Schedule 3, Part 4 - special hazard suppression systems - maintain - restricted to gaseous, water mist and reticulated foam proportioning systems occupational licence | Schedule 3, Part 4 - fire protection -special hazard fire system stream - install and maintain occupational licence | Successful completion of Certificate III in fire protection (CPC32813)1 by 1 May 2030 (This date has been extended from 1 May 2025 under the Building Reg Reno reforms). Note |
Schedule 3, Part 9 - fire detection, alarm and warning systems install and maintain - extra low voltage occupational licence | Schedule 3, Part 10 - fire protection - electrical stream - install and maintain - fire alarm systems occupational licence | If the licensee is not the holder of an electrical mechanic licence1 and has not previously completed a Certificate III in fire protection control (UEE31011)2 successful completion of the following by 1 May 2030 (This date has been extended from 1 May 2025 under the Building Reg Reno reforms):
Notes 1 : Electrical mechanic licensees are exempted from upskilling requirements for the new relevant licence. |
Schedule 3, Part 10 - emergency lighting - certify occupational licence | Schedule 3, Part 10 - fire protection -electrical stream - certify - emergency lighting occupational licence | Successful completion of Certificate IV in fire systems compliance—fire detection including the following competency units by 1 May 2030 (This date has been extended from 1 May 2027 under the Building Reg Reno reforms):
Notes |
Table 3 – Licences that became a continuing licence with no changes – no longer available for new applicants
Contractor continuing licences |
Schedule 2, Part 22 – passive fire protection - fire doors and shutters—certify licence |
Schedule 2, Part 23 – passive fire protection - fire collars, penetrations and joint sealing licence |
Schedule 2, Part 24 – passive fire protection - fire and smoke walls and ceilings licence |
Schedule 2, Part 27 – fire pump - inspect and test licence |
Schedule 2, Part 30 – fire detection, alarm and warning systems - maintain - extra low voltage licence |
Occupational continuing licences |
Schedule 3, Part 1 – passive fire protection – fire doors and shutters—certify occupational licence |
Schedule 3, Part 2 – passive fire protection – fire collars, penetrations and joint sealing occupational licence |
Schedule 3, Part 3 – passive fire protection – fire and smoke walls and ceilings occupational licence |
Schedule 3, Part 6 – fire pumps – inspect and test occupational licence |
Schedule 3, Part 9 – fire detection, alarm and warning systems – maintain – extra low voltage occupational licence |
Newly regulated work
If you were working in an area that did not formerly require a fire protection licence (i.e. before 1 May 2021), such as certain design work and some aspects of passive fire protection, you were provided with extra time to complete the necessary qualifications (if required) and apply for the new licence.
From 1 May 2021, you can continue to work for an appropriately licensed contractor but you will need to apply for the fire protection occupational licence prior to the date stated in the regulation (e.g. 1 May 2024 for the new design licences and 1 May 2025 for the new passive fire protection licences). Please note the 1 May 2025 date for passive fire protection licences has been extended to 1 May 2030 under the Building Reg Reno reforms.
These transitional arrangements are prescribed under new section 18A of the QBCC Regulation.
If you were enrolled as at 1 May 2021 in a course to obtain a licence under Schedule 7B, part 1 of QBCC Regulation (Table 1), and you completed your course by 1 May 2022, you may be eligible to apply for the new relevant fire protection licence. Please note all licence applications are subject to eligibility criteria required by the QBCC. Alternatively, ask your registered training provider to obtain further information about your training pathways.
If you are studying a course to obtain a licence under Schedule 7B, part 2 of the QBCC Regulation (Table 2) it’s important for you to discuss educational pathways with your registered training organisation as soon as possible.
Holders of ‘certify’ licences
The revised framework changed the scope of work for the certify licence.
The subcommittee identified that certification should be an independent function and should remain separate from other functions, such as inspection and testing. Therefore, it was decided to remove this aspect from the scope of work of the certify licence.
Since 1 May 2021, licensees will need to carefully consider their new scope of work before quoting, carrying out or supervising fire protection work in Queensland.
For more information on changes to the certify licence classes, please refer to the QBCC website.
The definition of ‘certify’ has also been clarified in the regulation and includes the certification of both future installations (e.g. design stage) and fire protection equipment that has already been installed, as well as a certificate relating to the annual survey of existing fire protection equipment.
Changes to the Hydraulic Services licence
There are some changes to the Hydraulic Services Design licence scope of work for new entrants to limit the design of fire sprinkler systems to domestic systems only.
Former licensees who held the Hydraulic Services licence before or on 1 May 2021 are not impacted by these changes. They can continue to perform the current scope of work that was permitted under the former licence. For new licensees, a separate licence class is available for the design of other fire sprinkler systems.
Changes to the Fire Safety Professional licence
The scope of work for the Fire Safety Professional licence was amended to restrict this licence to conducting inspections and reports on buildings against fire performance legislation.
New entrants will need to hold a relevant accreditation (e.g. with the Australian Institute of Building Surveyors or Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors), which will inform the classes of building they can inspect and report on.
Technical qualifications for fire protection licenses
The Technical Qualifications for Licensing (PDF, 484.83 KB) includes the qualifications required for the revised fire protection licences as of 13 December 2022.
More information
For general information about the changes, please email
For specific information regarding your fire protection licence, please visit the QBCC website, call the QBCC on 139 333 or submit an online enquiry.