Youth Subsidy

More young people will be supported into housing through the new Youth Subsidy – an initiative under the Homes for Queenslanders plan.

The Youth Subsidy is available for registered community housing providers to provide more eligible young people, aged between 16 and 25, with a place to call home.

Young people can face barriers to finding safe and affordable housing, including low incomes, and balancing study and training with paid work commitments.

The Youth Subsidy will help providers to open more opportunities for young people to move out of crisis accommodation into long-term, stable housing.

Young people living in social housing (public and community housing) will continue to pay rent based on their assessed income.

Who can apply for the Youth Subsidy?

Registered community housing providers can apply for the subsidy to help them house more young people in community housing properties.

The Youth Subsidy will be paid to providers for each eligible household where the young person is the primary tenant.

All providers that house young people who meet the eligibility criteria, including providers that operate youth foyers, can claim the subsidy.

Registered community housing providers can apply for the subsidy now. To apply, email

Help and advice

More information

For more information on the Youth Subsidy, email