Our lists and registers

Digital Projects Dashboard

The Digital Projects Dashboard presents summarised project data that is published by each department, as well as access to procurement information, including tenders.

Disclosure log

Documents are published to our disclosure log once they have been released to the applicant under the Right to Information Act 2009.

Gift register

This register shows gifts and benefits valued at more than $150 that have been given and received by the Department of Housing and Public Works and its employees. This may include multiple gifts or benefits, where their total value exceeds $150 in a financial year.

This register is updated quarterly and maintained on the department's website for 12 months.

Due to machinery of government changes, gift registers from the former Department of Housing, Local Government, Planning and Public Works are required to maintain this history, and are available below.

Open Data

As part of the Queensland Government's commitment to open data, we release datasets to the public.